Terms and people to know: stock, corporation, globalization, Robert Owen, Charles Fourier, socialism, utopian socialism, Karl Marx , scientific socialism, communism, bourgeoisie, proletariat, communism, means of production, realism, the Revolutions of 1848, Guiseppe Mazzini, Camillo di Cavour, Giuseppe , the Red Shirts, Garibaldi, King Victor Emanuel II,  the Law of Guarantees, Napoleon the III, Kaiser, realpolitik, the Zollverein, William I, junkers, Otto Von Bismarck




I. The Global Economy

1.      How did industry expand after 1850?

2.      What advances took place in transportation? In Communication?

3.      What was the advantage of incorporation for a business? For stockholders?

4.      What were the advantages of the increase in world trade?  What were the drawbacks of the world economy?

II. Marxism

5.      Summarize Marx’s ideas about a) class struggle, b) the economic interpretation of history, c) the surplus value theory of labor, d) the inevitability of socialism

6.      Why did many of Marx’s predictions fail to materialize?


III Realism in Art

1.      What are the characteristics of Realism?

2.      Why is the excerpt from Hard Times that we read in class an example of Realistic literature?

3.      How does realism differ from romanticism?


IV The Unification of Italy and Germany

                        1.  Describe the factors for and against unity for Italy and Germany.

2. Explain how unification happened in Italy and Germany.

3. Describe the part each of the following played in the unification of Germany: a) German Confederation, b) Schleswig-Holstein, C) Seven Weeks' War, d) Franco-Prussian War

4. Describe the problems that France and Italy faced after 1870

5. How did the balance of power in Europe change between 1815 and 1875?