Global Studies II-  Course Outline and Homework Assignment

Course Outline

Class Contract

Topic I- Early Japanese History and Feudalism


# 1-Early Japan (POP 290-293)

                        1.  Briefly describe Japan's geography and explain it's influence on Japanese Culture.

                        2.  Name at least five things Japan borrowed from China.

                        3.  A) What is meant by the Heian Age?


        #2 Check out Heian temple at Read thru main page and history of Enichi, and take virtual reality tour- then answer these questions: 1) Describe the social, political, and economic function of the Enichiji temple in Heian society, 2) How does the temple of Enichi reflect the coexistence of Chinese culture with indigenous (traditional)early Japanese culture?, 3) Would you have like to have been a monk living at the Enichiji temple during the Heian period? Why or why not.

        Homework # 3 Feudal Japan (POP 293-297)

                       Identify/Define: Samurai, Bushido, Shogun, Daimyo, 

                       Minamoto, Kamakura, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu

                        1.  Describe the political organization of 13th century Japan?

                        2.  Describe the political situation in Japan during the 1400's and 1500's.

                        3.  Why did the Japanese turn to isolation in the 1600's?

 Also, go to Tale of the 47 Ronin and print out and bring into class.

            Homework # 4- What is Zen? Read about Zen and answer these questions:

                        1.What is Zazen?

                        2."Zen is beyond religion and philosophy, beyond all systems and ideologies, beyond all the "isms", even beyond Buddhism". In your own words, what do you think this means?  

                        3. Do you believe that liberation from the self as described in this reading is possible for human beings to attain? Why or why not?


Homework # 5- Film: Rashomon. Download these questions and bring them into class:

 nbsp;                      1. In Kurosawa's own words, the story "goes into the depths of the human heart as if with a surgeon's scalpel, laying bare its dark complexities and bizarre twists." In your own words explain the theme of the story.

                        2. Kurosawa gives us four versions of the same episode. What are they? Which, if any, is the most convincing? What do you think really happened?

                        3. When do you think the story is supposed to take place? Kurosawa in many of his movies disdains the changes that carried Japan from a feudal society to a modern one, in large part because he believes that the traditional feudal values were superior. What instances can you find in the movie that reflect this point of view?

                        4. At the beginning of the film the firewood dealer says, "I for one..have seen hundreds of men dying like animals...but...even I've never before heard anything as terrible as this." Another character replies, "There's never been anything like this.'s worse than fires...wars...epidemics...or bandits." What is so terrible about what happened here?

                        5. In recounting the medium's (husband's) version of the story, the priest says, "I can't believe that man would be so sinful" to which another replies, "I don't know...I don't mind that. After all, who is to be trusted nowadays?" How does this brief exchange relate to the theme of the movie? How do you think Kurosawa feels about human nature or perhaps more precisely about the nature of man as Japan grows out of feudalism? Near the end the Priest thanks the wood dealer saying, "I think I'll be able to keep my faith in man." What does he mean?



                        Go to the Asia Society or the Japanese exhibit at the Museum of Natural History. Write a reflective essay of no more than a page and half and no less than one page about what you learned. Attach your receipt to your paper.

Not Assigned this term- Spring 02- Japanese Art and Religion (POP, 296-297)

                        1.  Go to Japanese Art at the Met.  You will have to do some searching; if you scroll down the page there are links to different types of Japanese Art.  Choose one work, print it out if possible, and briefly describe the features that make it uniquely Japanese.  Also, you may want to take a look at Arms and Armor to see the clothes and weapons of the Samurai.

                        2.  Read Zen Buddhism in Japan in the Human Record, p289-291.  Answer question # 6.  


# 6 The Sui and Tang in China, POP 276-283 and Life in Tang China. Print out a copy of Life in Tang China and bring it to class.

1. Identify: T'ai-tsung, Wu Chao, Ch'ang-an

2. What maded the Sui dynasty important?

3. Describe how the Chinese used examinations to help choose government officials

4. What political and military changes took place between T'ang and Sung dynasties?

5. Describe three important inventions that the Chinses developed during the T'ang and Sung periods.

Review Sheet for Exam # 1>

Homework # 7        The Mongol's Create an Empire (POP pgs. 283-285)and Mongol Military Tactics


1. Describe the Mongol's way of life and explain how it made them strong warriors.

2. Identify the four areas the Khans ruled after 1259.

3. Describe the factors that enabled the Mongols to conquer such a hugh stretch of territory.


#8- Kublai Khan Rules China- Read text pgs. 285-287. Print out Kublai Khan Rules China and bring it into class!


1. Identify: Kublai Khan, Yuan, and Marco Polo

2. How did the spread of Mongol rule affect trade between Europe and Asia?

3. What evidence is there that the Chinese way of life influenced the Mongol conquerors?


#9 Position Paper- Were the Mongols were guilty of terrorism.

A position paper is a paper where you take and defend a position on a controversial question. After stating your viewpoint in the opening paragraph, support it with 3 to 4 arguments. Remember that you are trying to convince the reader that your point of view is the "correct" one. You will be asked to read it to the class. Length: No more than 2 pages, 10-12 font, double-space.

Helpful links:

How the asian steppe was won?

Mongol Horror Stories

Mongol Military Tactics

             #10- European Feudalism -   Read (POP, 211-219)


                        1.  What oath did a vassal swear to his or her lord and what did the lord give in return?

                    2.   What services could a lord demand of vassals in a time of war and and a time of peace?

                    3.   What duties did a serf owe on a manor?


     2/14        #11- Growth of Cities and Towns in Europe (1000-1300)-   Read (POP, 222-227)

                        1.   Describe three improvements in farming that took place in the Middle Ages.  

                        2.  How did townspeople become independent of feudalism?

                        3.  What regulations did guilds make?

             #-12 The Catholic Church in the Medieval Period, Read pgs. 228-231

             #13 The Revival of Learning, Read pgs. 237-241

             1. a) How did scholars in western Europe become familiar with the writings of the ancient Greeks? b) What was the importance of the Summa Theologiae?

             2. How did the role of women change during the Middle Ages?

             Medieval Map Quiz

             #14 The Crusades- Read pgs. 241-245

             1. What reasons did each of the following have for supporting the Crusades? a)the pope, b) knights, c) merchants

             2. Based on the original goals of the crusaders, which Crusade was the most successful?

             3. Which outcome of the Crusades do you think would in the long run be most important?Give reasons for your answer

HW # 15- The Origin of Nations

Read pages 248-253 in text (POP)

nbsp;       1.  Explain why the histories of France and England were tightly interwoven during the Late Middle Ages.

        2.)  a. List two basic rights that the Magna Carta guaranteed.  b. How did the Magna Carta affect the King's power?

        5. What factors contributed to the growth of England and France as nation-states during the 1300's?

Interesting links: Magna Carta-


HW # 16- Textbook p254-256

         1.  Why was the period from 1309 to 1376 called the Babylonian captivity?

         2.  How did the Great Schism begin?  What effects did it have?  How did it end?

3.  How does Boniface justify his belief that spiritual leaders are supreme over temporal leaders?

4.  Do you agree with the church's views toward Wycliff?  Why was Wycliff's views so disturbing to the members of the Catholic Church?

Interesting Links, print out and bring them into class!




HW # 17- Read text p257-258 and,

1.  What was the Black Death?

2.  What effect did it have on people's religious views? 

3.  What was it's  economic impact?

4.  How did it impact life for Jews in Europe?

HW # 18- Read pages 261-264

                    1.  In general, how did the new monarchs strenghten their powers?

                    2.  A) How did Louis XI win the nickname "the spider king"?, B) Why did Louis XI and his successors have more powers than English rulers of the same period?

                    3.  When Henry II of England died in 1509, England was prosperous and peaceful. What made Henry II such an effective leader?

                    4.  How did a political marriage begin Spain's development as a nation?

Review Sheet for Exam # 2

# 19 The Renaissance, read pgs. 344-349

                    1.  What conditions in northern Italy encouraged the beginning of the Renaissance?

                    2.  List three characteristics of the Renaissance?

                    3.  Which of the characteristics of the Renaissance do you consider most revolutionary? Explain

# 20 Renaissance Art, text pgs. 350-358 and Virtual Field trip

             #21- Film: The Merchant of Venice. Print out copy of questions and bring them into class!

                        1.   Is Shylock a villian or a sympathtic character?  

                        2.   Is the play anti-Semitic or anti-Christian?  

                        3.   Is the Merchant of Venice a comedy or tragedy?  

                        4.   Why does Shylock demand a pound of flesh from Antonio? Why not his entire heart?  

                        5.   Trace the theme of fathers and children that runs through the play. How would you define this relationship?  

                        6.   Discuss the relationship between Jessica and Shylock. Are we meant to sympathize with the moneylender's daughter? Does Shakespeare seem ambivalent in his portrayal of Jessica?  

                        7.   There are three stories told in this play: the casket story, the bond of flesh story, and the ring story. What do these stories have in common?  

                        8.   Discuss how the trial scene reveals a conflict between justice and mercy. Is the conflict resolved? If so, how?  

                        9.   How does this play reveal the conflicts of European society as it evolved out of feudalism and into a commercial society?  

                        Also, print out and bring to class a synopsis of story.  

                           Over Spring Break, read the Merchant of Venice  


HW # 22 European Exploration- Read pgs. 358-364.

1. What role did the Renaissance spirit play in helping to launch the Age of Exploration?

2.  What were three reasons why Europeans began to search for new trade routes to Asia?

3. Why were Columbus's voyages a turning point in world history


Imaginary Exploration Extra-Credit


HW # 23 The Expansion of European and Its Impact on Europe, Africa, and the Americas- Read text pgs. 365-369.

1. Go to Blank Outline Map, scroll down to world map Gif, print out and: 1. Shade and label the areas of Portuguese exploration and conquest in red; Spanish in blue; French in yellow; English in Green, and Dutch in whatever color you want!

2.  What were the major results of exploration and colonization for Europe, for the Americas?

3. How did the African slave trade begin and why did it increase with the growth of European colonies in the Americas?



HW # 24 The Gupta and Mughal Empires of India- Read text pgs. 300-308.

1. What were some of the key achievements in the arts and sciences under the Guptas?

2.  List two major achievements of Akbar?

3. How did the Portuguese come to control trade in the Indian Ocean?

Mughal Art Site



HW # 25 African Geography and the Kingdoms and City States of East Africa. Read text pgs. 314-320

1. Name the five geographic regions of Africa.

2.  What set Ethiopia apart from other African kingdoms?

3. Describe the patterns of Swahili trade?


HW # 26 The Empires of West Africa. Read text pgs. 320-324

1. Why was the gold-salt trade important to the development of West Africa?

2.  What were Mansa Musa's most important achievements?


HW # 27 Film: Keita- The Heritage of the Griot


Keïta creates a unique world where the West Africa of the 13th Century Sundjata Epic and the West Africa of today co-exist and interpenetrate. Director Dani Kouyaté frames his dramatization of the epic within the story of Mabo Keïta, contemporary boy from Burkina Faso, learning the history of his family. During the film, Mabo and his distant ancestor, Sundjata, engage in parallel quests to understand their destinies, to "know the meaning of their names." In so doing, Keïta makes the case for an "Afrocentric" education, where African tradition, not an imported Western curricula is the necessary starting point for African development.

Both ancient and modern storylines are initiated by the mysterious appearance of a hunter, a passerby representing destiny who intervenes at strategic moments to propel Sundjata and Mabo on their journeys. The hunter both foretells the birth of Sundjata to the Mandé court and, eight centuries later, rouses Djéliba (or Great Griot) Kouyaté to go to the city and initiate young Mabo into the secrets of his origin. The Kouyatés have always served as the Keïtas' griots, bards (jeli) belonging to a discrete Mandé caste or endogamous occupational group, who alone perform certain types of poetry and divination.

The griot's arrival creates tension in the Keíta household especially between Mabo and his mother and his school-teacher, who stand for a Westernized lifestyle ignorant of African tradition. Mabo becomes so caught up in the griot's story that he stops studying for exams, day-dreams in class and eventually skips school to tell the story to other boys.

The film pointedly contrasts the moral depth of the griot's teachings with the sterile, culturally irrelevant facts which constitute Mabo's "Eurocentric" education. For example, the griot first comes upon Mabo while he is studying the Western "creation myth," Darwin's theory of evolution, of a universe ruled only by chance and the "survival of the fittest." In contrast, Mandé myth holds that human history is suffused with purpose and that every person has a particular destiny within it. By listening to The Sundjata Epic present-day Mandé listeners like Mabo can perceive the working out of destiny in history and see their own lives as part of a continuing narrative flow.

The Sundjata Epic, which Mabo hears recounts the life of Sundjata Keota (sometimes spelled Sundiata or Son-Jara Keyta,) the man responsible for turning his nation into the great Malian trading empire. Set in the early 13th century, the epic provides the wide-spread Mandé people a legend explaining their common origin and subsequent division into castes or clan families. An oral recitation of the complete poem with musical accompaniment can last close to sixty hours. But, this film, like most performances, recounts only a part of the epic, here the events surrounding the birth, boyhood and exile of Sundjata. (This corresponds to lines 356 to 1647 in the standard translation, Johnson, John William. The Epic of Son-Jara: A West African Tradition, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992.

Sundjata's quest, like Mabo's, requires the successful reconciliation or integration of two types of power represented by his paternal and maternal lineages. His father, Maghan Kon Fatta Konati a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed, has brought barika or law and progress to human society. In contrast, Sundjata's mother, Sogolon, and his grandmother, the Buffalo Woman of Do, rely on pre-Islamic occult powers or nyama. Their potentially disruptive effect on human civilization is symbolized by their habit of turning into ferocious animal "doubles." Sundjata himself, hexed at birth by his mother's co-wife, must crawl across the earth, scorned as a "reptile." A Mandé proverb explains: "The great tree must first push its roots deep into the earth." When the climactic moment arrives for Sundjata to walk erect like a man, he tries to lift himself up with a seven-forged iron rod, symbolizing man-made technology. Even this cracks beneath his strength, so the hunter reappears and instructs Sogolon to fetch a supple branch of the sun sun tree which has the nyama to hold Sundjata's weight. Thus, the hero must harness natural and supernatural powers to fulfill his heroic destiny.

In the film's final scene, the griot disappears, and for the first time Mabo directly confronts the hunter; after hearing the epic, he is finally in touch with his destiny. At this point, the stories of the two Keotas intersect; history and legend, event and destiny have been brought into alignment. Indeed, in making this film, Dani Kouyaté (who shares the name of the griot) succeeds in fulfilling the "meaning of his name." He has used a quintessentially 20th century invention, motion pictures, to insure that The Sundjata Epic is passed on as an inspiring force in the lives of young Africans everywhere.

Post-film questions for discussion:

1. Why is it important for people to invent a history for themselves?  Genealogy (family ties) is a logical way for a pre-scientific group to account for their origins?  How do Americans today account for who they are, as a species and as individuals?

2. During the wedding scene a women follows Mabo's father as he is leaving.  She is a "praise singer", a professional musician who receives payment for proclaiming the greatness of a family and to flatter its guests.  How does her function both parallel and differ from the griots's relationship to Mabo and his family?

3. The film deliberately contrasts the teaching of the djeliba with the curriculum at Mabo's school.  Mabo's formal education is made to seem irrelevant to daily life and lacking ethical content.  For example, it contrasts the amorality of Darwin's theory of evolution with the defined rights and obligations Mabo inherits as a descendant of Sundjata.  What do you think of this approach?

4. What do you suspect is the significance of the fact that Sundjata cannot lift himself with the iron stick but only the sapling?  

5. The Sundjata Epic, like "Keita" itself, necessarily present only one version of history.  The griot reminds Mabo of this when he asks, "Do you wonder why the hunter always wins against the lion?  If lions wrote stories, don't you think they would win some time?  To what extent do you think all history is in essence myth, so that we are left to choose which interpretation is most relevant or even therapeutic to our present situation?

Review Sheet for Exam # 3

HW #28 Early Mesoamerican Societies and Cultures

Read pages 326-335

1. How do most scientists believe that the first people reached the Americas?

2. How did the origin of civilization in Peru differ from that in the river valley civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia?

3. How were the Inca rulers able to maintain control over their vast empire?

4. What were three major achievements of Maya civilization?

HW #29 Which civilization was most advanced : the Maya's, Incan's, or Aztec's?

Students were assigned groups in class, and should find out everything they can to support the argument that their society was the most advanced.

HW #30- How were the Conquistadors able to conquer the Incas and the Aztecs? Read pgs. 392-397

1. What was the legend of Quetzacoatl? How did it help Cortes?

2. How did Cortes finally conquer Tenochtitlan?

3. Why was the conquest of the Incas relatively easy after the capture of Atahualpa?

The Murals of Diego Rivera

HW 31-The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire

Read this:Ottoman Reading

1. List the main rulers of the Ottoman Empire and their chief accomplishments.

2. Do you think the Ottoman's were wise to staff their government with slaves? Why or why not?

3. Did Suleiman's religious tolerance help or hurt the Ottoman Empire?

HW #32 Read Text- pgs 372-379

1. Identify four ways in which the printing press prepared the way for the Reformation.

2. Describe the events that led Luther to take a stand against the Church and summarize his three main ideas

3. Would you define Luther as a revolutionary? Why or why not?

For those who want to read the actual 95 Thesis go to

Painting of Martin Luther

Catholic and Protestant Come to Terms

HW # 33 The Protestant Reformation Spreads - Read Text pgs. 379-383

1. Why did Henry VIII of England want to end his first marriage?

2. What changes did Henry make in the English Church?

3. Briefly describe Calvin's idea of the elect and their place in society.

Important Documents:




HW # 34 The Scientific Revolution Read Pages 386-386-389

1. How did Copernicus's views of the Earth's position in the universe differ form Ptolemy's?

2. Why was Galileo's discovery that the moon had a rough and uneven surface important?

3. List four new instruments that came into use during the Scientific Revolution and identify the purpose of each one.

Print out and bring in this article inot class:

HW # 35 The Elizabethan Age in England, read text pgs. 420-429

1. Describe the religious problem that Elizabeth inherited from her father and explain how she dealt with the problem at the beginning of her reign?

2. How did each of the following contribute to worsening relations between England and Spain? a) English sea dogs, b) Dutch Protestants, c) Mary Stuart.

HW # 36 The English Civil War, read text pgs. 430-434

1. Why did James I clash with Parliament?

2. Why did Charles I clash with Parliament?, Why did he agree to sign the Petition of Right?

3. What event marked the beginning of civil war?

4. What two groups opposed each other during the war and over what issue did they fight?

5. Describe life for the English and the Irish under the rule of Oliver Cromwell.

Extra-Credit: The Trial of King Charles I Roleplay.

Is King Charles I guilty of committing treason against the state?

Format of the trial: 1. Opening statement by defense and prosecution (about two minutes each), 2. Witness- English peasant, questioned by defense and prosecution (one and a half to two minutes each), 3. Witness- Oliver Cromwell, questioned by the defense and prosecution (one and a half to two minutes each), 4. Witness- King Charles I, questioned by the defense and prosecution (one and a half to two minutes each), 5. Closing statements by defense and prosecution (about two minutes each), 6. Which side made the stronger argument? Students deliberate in groups (3 minutes), 7. Groups report decision and reasons for the decision to the class.

Each student participating in the trial should hand in one page: Lawyers- opening, closing statement, or list of ten questions, Peasant- summary of your position, Cromwell- summary of why the King should be convicted of treason, King- summary of why you should not be considered treason.

HW # 37- The Glorious Revolution, pgs. 434-437

1. How did the succession of James II lead to the development of political parties?

2. Why did Parliament invite William and Mary to rule England in 1689?

3. Name three ways the Bill of Rights limited royal power.

HW # 38- The Rise of Absolutism, Louis XIV of France, pgs. 440-447

1. Define: mercantilism, absolutism?

2. What did Colbert do to improve France's economy?

3. What political and social purposes did Versailles serve?

4. What was the War of Spanish Succession and how did the Treaty of Utrecht affect each of the countries involved inthe war?

HW # 39- LAST HOMEWORK!!! The Ming Dynasty of China 287-290.

1. What was the difference between the Imperial City and the Forbidden City?

2. What factors encouraged learning in Ming China?

3. What evidence indicates that the Chinese lost interest in contacts abroad after 1433?


STUDY!!! FOR THE H2G FINAL- TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 10:25-11:35>

PER 3- RM 640, PER 6 RM 740, PER 9 RM 902